It is especially resistant, not even affected by stomach acid. Its presence in the stomach is associated with a wide range of diseases, most importantly with atrophic gastritis, active gastric and duodenal ulcer, and certain types of gastric cancer.
It is worth to mention that most of the above health conditions are multifactorial; i.e. they are usually resulted by the co-existence of several different factors. Nevertheless, when symptoms of the above mentioned diseases are detected it is necessary to search for the presence of Helicobacter pylori so that a targeted therapy can be performed.
To diagnose Helicobacter infection the following options are available:
- biopsy
- stool analysis
- blood analysis
- bacterial culture of biopsy sample
- urea exhalation test.
Urea exhalation test
It is a quick, pain-free procedure that makes it possible to demonstrate the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the body. The specialist informs the patient in detail about how to prepare for the examination.
Urea is given to the patient on an empty stomach, in the form of a tablet or capsule together with some liquid. If Helicobacter is present in the stomach the urea content of the capsule will be degraded by the urease enzyme that forms during the test. Metabolites of this chemical reaction appear and can be detected in the air exhaled by the patient.
First portion of exhaled (test) air - immediately after taking the tablet - is blown into a special bag containing a contrast media; then, approximately 30 minutes after taking the tablet, collection of the exhaled air is repeated. Presence of the bacteria can be detected when this exhaled air portion gets in contact with the contrast media.
Positive test result means only the presence of the bacteria, which is a possible but not exclusive cause of the abdominal complaints. Following this test, the specialist will decide if any further examinations are needed.
This test is recommended to perform both for the identification of the underlying causes of existing gastrointestinal problems and for preventive reasons. Our specialist will inform and help you willingly.