Our skin happens to be a perfect indicator of our general health status; therefore, any disease, disorder or imbalance of the internal environment may manifest here immediately.
Which problems are examined and treated by the dermatologist at Oktogon Medical Center?
Skin is a well visible external organ; major part of its problems is typically characterized by undesired aesthetic lesions. Consequently, most people do not delay seeing a dermatologist. However, there are some disorders, e.g. melanoma, that do not seem to be urgent to check for the most patients. Such cases (malignant lesions) if diagnosed early, can be treated and cured with a high succes rate.
Please, make an appointment to a dermatologist immediately if your skin problem is accompanied by very intense symptoms and does not show an improving tendency on the day after. You may need a dermatologist in case of insect bites, rashes, infections, ekzema, allergic reactions, blemishes of unknown origin, itchy redness of the skin, as well as any mycotic, viral or bacterial infections affecting the skin.
What to expect at a dermatology consultation?
Type of the examionation always depends on the given problem. In most cases, visible lesions of the skin are checked in one or more affected regions but if it is about a skin cancer screening the overall skin surface is usually scanned with a dermatoscope.

Visible skin problems may require histological analysis, beyond the taking a detailed medical history (previous diseases, surgeries etc.). Nowadays, benign skin tumors can be removed without pain, using liquid nitrogen or electrocauterization. For particular skin problems, specific therapy, treatment and prescription of some medicines may be necessary. Furthermore, checkups are recommended to carry out on a regular basis.
More information about the dermatological examination in general:
Extreme progress has been achieved in dermatology during the past few years. Thanks to these achievements, most diseases can be cured surprisingly fast and efficiently while the underlying causes can be easily revealed. In the past, conditions like acne, psoriasis or rosacea had been stigmatic for a lifetime. Nowadays, they are really easy to treat or at least controlled by the help of effective drugs, treatment methods and the elimination of the underlying causes.

Dermatological problems can be classified as either chronic, long-lasting conditions or acute problems with sudden onset. In both cases a dermatology consultation is urgent if the symptom persists, causes discomfort, accompanied by an itching or burning sensation, it is painful or aesthetically disturbing.
Unfortunately many malignant skin tumors remain silent (symptom-free) for several months and grow in hidden places of the body. Since such conditions are very dangerous and should be diagnosed as soon as possible it is strongly recommended to have dermatology screenings on a regular basis.
Of course, there are a lot of benign lesions on the skin that are not considered dermatological diseases, yet, their periodic checking is crucial. These include e.g. different skin tags that causes predominantly aesthetic problems so their surgical removal is done for cosmetic reasons.
Although it is not widely known, hair loss and hair problems are often caused by some kind of skin problem (from the developmental biology viewpoint, hair is an accessory structure of the skin). In these patients, also the internal factors are checked for beside the external, obvious problems in order to more precisely diagnose and treat the problem.